Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka


Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka (b. 1987) is a Helsinki-based media artist and a doctoral candidate at Aalto University. His practice is based on collaboration between different fields of art, science and technology. Mäki-Reinikka is the founder of the interdisciplinary art collective Brains on Art that combines art and science in interactive installations. Generative methods, AI-systems and human biosignals are often used in the collective’s work. Recent exhibitions have delved into the creativity of imaginary machines drawn by children and virtual ecologies created from viewers’ heartbeat and stress levels.

The intersections between art and science forms the artistic background of my work. My artistic practice focuses around interdisciplinary Brains on Art collective. Brains on Art is an art-science-co-op crew based in Helsinki. We are focused in bringing the cognitive science in to the art scene. Installations affected by brain activity, pulsing sculptures, dialogue between art and science – that’s what we aim for!

Brains on Art takes the methods used in science and technology and applies them in artistic process. The art orientated project strives for dialogue between the two fields. The collective includes practitioners of art, cognitive science, computing science and electrical engineering. The background of our works is formed by our shared artistic reflection.

The collective has held four solo exhibitions (latest in Gallery Huuto, Helsinki 2017) and participated in several group shows including Art Fair Suomi 2017, Mänttä Art Festival 2014 and Frankfurt Book Fair 2014.
(Kasperi Mäki-Reinikka)


Within the Biofriction Project, Kasperi takes part in the BIO·FICTION Panel.