Biofriction is a Creative Europe project led by Hangar in collaboration with Bioart Society, Cultivamos Cultura, and Kersnikova Institute committed to supporting Bioart and Biohacking practices. The title refers to the combination of biology, biotech, fiction, and arts as surfaces of friction, with particular attention to the emancipatory potential of biotechnology through interfaces in the context of artistic practices. The call is addressed to projects in the field of experimentation with biomaterials, with a special emphasis on transhackfeminist as an approach (or method multiplier) to repoliticize feminism through (bio)practice.
Possible topics
Decolonizing technologies; Queer, Feminist, Anti-racist and
Anti-specist methods; Nature_culture continuum; Xenoecologies;
Biopolitics, Necropolitics and Environmental Struggle; Human and
non-human alliances and solidarity through DIY/DIWO/DIT biotechnology;
artistic and cultural practices; Fiction, Storytelling and performative
narratives; BiosurLas aplicaciones deben ser enviadas en
inglés.veillance and counter-tactics; Bioexperimentation based in open
culture; Bio_sonic agencies; Measurements and material-discursive
practices of (bio)mattering and engaging (bio)practices; Re-visit,
re-think, co-design and co-develop processes; tools and technologies for biological experimentation and Radical Open Health.
The residency offers
(i) Artist fee
(ii) Accommodation
(iii) Roundtrip travel costs
(iv) Research materials budget
v) Access to Biolabs/Wetlabs facilities
(vii) Mentoring / tutoring by expert biotechnologist(s)
Applications must include
(i)A residency proposal (maximum of two A4 pages)
(ii) A CV (maximum 1 page)
(iii) A PDF with 5 examples of your recent projects, with high quality images, relevant links an descriptions.
Who can apply
Researchers, artists, developers, hackers and members of collectives
of all ages (over 18 years old) and nationalities working in the field of bioexperimentation.
*Please note that the budget is adjusted to the cost of travel within the European Union. If the amount of your travel is higher than indicated, you should cover the remaining amount or look for other financing possibilities, for example travel grants.
The residency program has a duration ranging from 15 days to 2 months. The time-periods will depend on the needs of the project as well as the place where they are carried out (Hangar, Bioart Society, Cultivamos Cultura or Kersnikova Institute). The residency might be split in two phases if the proposed project requires a long-term work on biological materials.
Deadline for submission of applications: extended to February 5th, 2020.
Results of the selection process: End of February 2020: interviews with pre-selected and results of the open call for residency.
For more details concerning the proposal see the attached pdf.
Dowload PDF Biofriction Open Call
Applications must be submitted in English.
For information and sending of applications:
The project counts with the support of: